Saturday, September 28, 2013

A new shirt

Mommy "Style"


The angle is a bit wonky on this shot.  So, one of the things I'm always thinking about my clothes is that I hate that I pretty only shop at Old Navy and Target for myself and my sons.  Then I see put together people who wear stuff from different stores or who wear thrift store finds and I think "wow that is awesome".  The shirt I am wear comes from a second hand clothing shop.  I'm sure it was originally found in a Goodwill somewhere, but needless to say I found it at a markup from Goodwill.  I love the print of the shirt.  I'm not sure about the neckline, but if it was just a t-shirt it would be dull.  I bought it over a month ago and have been trying to figure out how to wear it since.  I like it with the skinny jeans and if I had brown riding knee boots I think I would look really great.  I'm guessing this particular outfit will come into rotation now that the weather is a bit cooler. This shirt represents another attempt to step outside my style "zone" occasionally.


And now to the other end of the style spectrum.  Yoga pants and a tank top.  Super stylish (end sarcasm font).


Normal stuff here.  I still really like this shirt.  Banana Republic has it in royal blue.  And I almost bought on Wednesday but decided that two lace shirts was a bit much.

Accomplishments: I finally paid somebody to steam clean the carpets and hopefully some of the cat smell that has been perminating from the house will dissipate.

High/Low:  High: I had the house ready for the steam cleaner BEFORE he arrived!  Low: the morning rush to get out the door to school  results in too much yelling.  It doesn't matter the time we wake up or if I get ready the night before.  There is some much yelling, usually directed at the 2 year old because hey he's two and he really doesn't want to do anything that other people would like him to do.

Activities: Wednesday: while the older two were in school I went shopping for myself and Oliver.  I didn't buy myself anything, but I did get Oliver some more pants.  I think with the exception of a pair of jeans, he's good on pants for the fall/winter.  He'll need shirts, but I buy those when I really gets cold.

After school, the kids and I did this activity I found on Pinterest.   I changed it a little.  Oliver gets strange about school.  

Oliver did different types of lines.  Phil tried to do shapes.  I think it was good activity. 

Thursday: in the morning, I went to the thrift store looking for clothes for Fred, but they didn't have any.  So I'll try the consignment store.  I really don't want to spend a lot of money on his clothes.  He the last kid and I'm not going to delude myself into think that spending a bit more money on his stuff because it might get passed down to a sibling.  I do spend at least sale prices on the older two because it's hard to find pants for older boys at consignment.  I've looked and it is only dress type pants.  After school, the steam cleaner came and made the carpets look nice and a chair smell less like cat.  

Friday: a 4.5k run in the morning with Fred, and the afternoon the kids spent napping.  After nap, an early dinner and then we played outside.

Menu: Wednesday: toast, mall Chinese, dinner was chicken sauteed in butter with onion, carrots, and celery. Thursday: I skipped breakfast, lunch was leftover dinner, dinner was pizza.  Friday: breakfast was leftover pizza.  I love leftover pizza.  Lunch: turkey sandwich.  Dinner: roast pork tacos.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Blue Monday (and Tuesday)

Mommy "Style"

Monday: Jean shorts and a t-shirt.  Apparently, I forgot to take a picture.  Naughty blogger.

I think for once the picture looks better than the actual look when I look in the mirror.  That is a different thing.

Accomplishment: I put back on the gate at the bottom of the stairs.  Fred is now able to climb the stairs and I want to keep from climbing the stairs when I'm busy in the kitchen or here on the computer.  Yay for somewhat baby-proofing the house.

High/Low: High: Playing the kids and hanging out with Matt.  Low: Potty training/ 2 year old frustration.  Phil is finally getting the hang of the potty and yesterday at Target he saw Transformers underwear so he wanted to buy them.  And since he's using the potty more often than not, I did.  And after purchasing them, he wanted to put them on.  Again, no big deal.  Unfortunately, he had to get them on just the right way and I didn't do it the right way first which caused him to meltdown.  At the same time,  Fred was trying eat the public toilet seat.  It was frustrating.  And there was crying and general angst. From both Phil and me.  It was not one of my finer moments in Target.

Activities: Monday: grocery shopping with the baby and school for the older kids.  After school, we played and did laundry.  Exciting stuff.  Tuesday: Target with Phil and Fred while Oliver had school.  After school, we played on the playground for a bit.  And then more playing at home.

Menu: Monday: oatmeal, turkey sandwich. Dinner: salmon, asparagus, rice.  Tuesday: cereal, egg salad sandwich.  Dinner: tortellini  with sausage tomato sauce. I made a huge amount of tomato sauce and the rest is sitting in my freezer for another day.

The Weekend

Mommy "style":  Saturday


Accomplishment: Eating a lot of yummy food. Keeping the kids safe(ish) on top of a large granite monolith.

High/Low: High:  I really enjoyed our outing on Sunday.  It was type of thing I would like to do more of as a family.  I'll explain in the activities section.   Low: whining.  A lot of whining.

Activities: Saturday:  It was raining.  And I'm usually at a lost as to what to do on rainy days, and I'm trying to limit/restrict screen time for the kids.  So, we went to a movie. I'm not sure that is the same as screen time though.  We finally got around to seeing Despicable Me 2.  Oliver had a great time.  Fred got bored about halfway through, so I left to go to the lobby and let him crawl/walk around.  Phil didn't want to leave me and he came too.  Eh, that is what DVD/netflix/amazon prime are for.  (I'll stop ending sentences with prepositions soon like my English teachers told me.)  And then we ate pizza.  

Sunday: we woke up and went to Stone Mountain which technically isn't a mountain.  We ate lunch at a German restaurant that is right outside of the park.  I got the sausage plate. It was so yummy.  Then we went to the park.  We rode the train that goes around the base of the mountain.  Phil fell asleep on the train and then laid down in the middle of the aisle and went to sleep.  After the train we walked to the Skylift, and rode to the top of the mountain.  The kids like that experience.  Once on top, we wandered around the top. Shared a coke, and it was totally a complete commercial.  We then came home and had fried chicken for dinner.

Waiting for the train to start

Leaping from rock to rock

Tired Phil

On top of the mountain

Menu: Saturday: yogurt, quesadillas, pizza.  Sunday: toast, sausage, fried chicken.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Thursday and Friday

Mommy "Style" 



Accomplishments: I've been a glutton for punishment recently, so I've been taking all three kids with my stores that I'd prefer to go to either alone or with just the baby.  Friday after school, I took all three to Target and didn't buy toys or too much extra crap.  It was a good thing!  

High/Low: High: Friday, I got some good news.  It made me feel that a weight has been lifted off of my chest.  And makes me feel so much more at peace.   Low:  Right now the kids are waking up wayyyyy too early.  Oliver is fine with waking up a little early, but Phil probably needs another hour or so before he wakes up. And the early wakings are causing him to not be his best self.  Or in real language: lots of whining, meltdowns, and general crankiness.

Activities: Thursday: I went for another run.  A slightly better time and I'm getting better about jogging with the jogging stroller.  After school, we went for a leaf hunt.  Originally my idea was to find colored leaves which are starting to happen and find different colors and shapes, but the leaves on the street weren't quite right.  So we just found interesting ones,

On the hunt

Look at my collection

Comparing and constrasting

Friday: I had my well woman appointment.  I was on time.  And there were about three ladies in the waiting room.  At the end of a half hour, the same three ladies were in the waiting room without having been called back.  So I asked if the doctor was running behind, and she was by about an hour.  So I rescheduled.  I felt strangely empowered by this action.  Usually, I wait and seethe about how long it is taking.  But this time I didn't and I felt really good.  After I left the office, I went to mall and bought a cute top and black professional pants.  I threw away my last pair of professional pants last year. Then to Old Navy for stuff for Phil and Fred.  After school,  all of us went to Target.  

Menu: Thursday: bagels, turkey sandwich, dinner was grilled cheese since Matt wasn't home.  Friday: bagels, an Italian BMT from Subway, and tacoes for dinner.


Some Musings

The kids have distracted me while writing, so I can share my thoughts about my garden.

First the garden.  I've been reading blogs/news sites/facebook/pinterest for years about home gardening.  I realize that it is nothing new, but in the past few years it has become quite trendy and hip.  And since I like to pretend that I am trendy and hip, I've wanted to plant a garden for years. Unfortunately, our previous house was too shaded to really have a decent summer garden, and I wasn't really aware of all that I could plant in the fall.  When we were looking for a rental house, one of the things that made us really like this house was the backyard.  It is both big enough for the boys and it gets great sunlight.  I knew that I would be able to have my garden.  I spent quite a bit of time going through the web and finding information about square foot gardening  and I wanted to try it. 

I started my garden after Easter and the first month it did really well.  I think we had the right about rain, and I planted the right things for the time of year.  I did a mix of plantings from seeds (arugula, carrots, zucchini, lettuce, cucumber, okra and eggplant) and seedlings (yellow squash, hot and sweet peppers, tomatoes, strawberries, and a few herbs).  At first everything turned out really well.  The arugula grew quickly and I liked to eat it fresh.  I honestly have no idea how to cook with it, but I sure did like watching it grow.  The carrots also did well.  And the squash started out amazing.  The seedlings also did very well.  The best were the jalapeno pepper and the grape tomato plants.  And then our lack of seasonal summer happened starting in May.  

This year has been extremely wet which caused a lot of problems for me in the garden.  First, the cooler weather made it difficult to get anything to grow for our zone.  Our zone is much hotter than it was this year and the plants weren't able to do really well.  Second, we got too much rain.  Since we frequently had cool (for the time of year) rainy days nothing did very well.  My squash caught a fungus that screwed up one plant and the other two got bugs that decided to eat it.  I did pure organic gardening.  I realize that if I don't bugs to eat my plant, I should spray it with something.  However, I really wanted to it naturally and not put literally poison into my body*.  I know that washing the plants would rinse away the chemicals, but I didn't want the chemicals on them in the first place. (I might get on a moral high horse at some point about this). I also knew the kids would pick plants and eat them before the vegetables would be washed so that was another consideration on not using chemicals. I think if I had done a better job of mulching the plants some of the fungus wouldn't have happened and some of the bugs would have been discouraged to eat the squash.  I also don't think I did a good job of planting plants that should be together.  I've got better ideas for the future, so hopefully I'll be able to make it better.

I think next year will be better and the hopefully the plants will produce better.  I'm hoping to put in at least one more container and maybe two.  I also want to give the kids a place to plant things so especially Phil won't be as likely to pick my tomatoes before they're ripe! 

* I only sometimes buy organic at the grocery though.  I know I really should for the dirty dozen and sometimes I manage too.  I'm trying to both justify the cost and realize that I should eat like a gallon of strawberries in a week!  

Friday, September 20, 2013

Today was a good day

I'll do a real post later, and this one is going to be opaque.  But I am so happy and relived I could die.  Able to breathe!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Losing my groove

Mommy "style":




One of the things I don't like about early fall is that it is cool and crisp in the morning, but by the time you get dressed and out the door for longer than 10 minutes, it is too hot to wear pants.  Lame.  But the afternoons aren't as hot and there isn't any humidity, so that nice.

Accomplishments: Sunday, not only did we go to the botanical gardens, but I also washed, dried, and folded THREE loads of laundry!  Monday, more laundry and the kids didn't cry at drop off.  That evening after the kids went to bed I wrapped a wreath in yarn.  I hope by the end of the week to have a fall Pinterest inspired wreath made.

High/Low: High: I've been feeling reasonably productive recently.  And while the house isn't company ready, it hasn't been too bad.  I still need to mop the floors though.  Low: Oliver broke out in hives on Monday afternoon and I have no idea what has caused them. There hasn't been anything different in his diet or new in his environment.  

Activities: Sunday: we went to the Botanical gardens and saw the Imagined Creatures exhibit.  That was really cool. 

Detail of the Cobra

Afterwards, we ate dinner out.  And the kids were reasonably well-behaved so I guess a lot excerice is the way to go when eating out.Then on the car ride home. Phil keep yelling out "oopise!" from the backseat.  And for some reason, every one in the car found it hilarious!

Monday: Kids to school.  Fred and I went to the craft store and home for lunch.  After school, I found the rash and gave the doctor a call.  The on-call nurse said it sound like an allergy, so I gave Oliver Benadryl. 

Tuesday: the rash wasn't better, so I made a sick child appointment for Oliver.  I think he really enjoyed not having to go to school.  I really enjoyed not having to get him ready.  The doctor reassured me that it really was a rash.  We then went to Chick-fil-a for lunch and to Trader Joe's to do some grocery shopping.

After naps, we played with shaving and food coloring.  

phil having fun

Fred trying it out too!

Oliver making a mes.

Wednesday:  School for the kids.  Fred and I came home and went for a run.  We stopped at the playground half-way through the run. He had fun.  After school, we went to the grocery store again.  And home to play.

Menu:  Sunday: bagels, tuna sandwich, buger and fries.  Monday: I skipped breakfast, lunch was a bagel with a side of greek yogurt.  Dinner: sloppy joes.  I don't think it was the healthiest of days.  Tuesday: bagel, chick-fil-a, spinach and cheese quiche.  Wednesday: bagel, brie sandwich, fake jambalaya.  

Phil is trying escape from the house, so I think I'll explain fake jambalaya another post.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A week

I try to update everyday. But this week has been typical of why I don't. I guess that the kids get in the way, literally.  Phil is in my lap trying to type and asking for  PBS kids.  During the morning when the kids are school, I'm either cleaning the house, working in the yard, or running errands.  Le sigh.

Mommy "style": Here is the mommy style I did for the week:



Friday:  Very lazy.  I ran errands and then worked in the yard while the kids were at school.  And then it was too late to change before it was time to pick them up.


Accomplishments:  I've been working on redoing the containers for fall/winter vegetable gardening.  I'm done with them.  And now I'm working on the front planting bed.  It's a bit more slow going.  There are a lot of weeds and I'm trying to loosen up the soil and work in compost for better growth and transplants.  And at one point, I actually had the whole place looking neat.  However, as you can see by Friday afternoon, the kids and I had wreaked the place. I have also been to Walmart AND only bought what I meant to buy.  It was pretty awesome.

High/Low:  High: On Thursday, I went to see a concert with Matt.  That was a lot fun.  I even dressed up for the concert, and wore heels.  And I didn't feel like the sloppiest person there.  Low: Last night's (Saturday) bedtime. was a marathon of whining, getting out of bed, and shouting by me.  Phil has taken it into his head that bedtime isn't for him and that he doesn't ever need to sleep.  Honestly, if he didn't share a room with Oliver, then I would "lock" him in his room and walk away. Do the Supernanny method of toddler cry it out.  Unfortunately, he does share a room and Oliver has a hard time going to sleep with Phil crying. So, it is a battle.  Last night I had it with the getting out of bed roaming around, so I put Phil back into bed every time he got out of bed.  It took about 20 times before he just stayed in bed.  And then like 2 minutes later, he fell asleep.  I'm hoping tonight is better, but I'm not holding my breath.

Activities: Tuesday: school for Oliver, and grocery shopping for me and the younger two.  I then came home and cleaned up the house "mostly" and worked on laundry.  Wednesday: Fred had his 9 month doctor's appointment.  He is a big boy at over 30 inches long, and 20 pounds.  Technically, he is the size of a 12 month baby.  If he keeps up this trajectory, he'll be colossal.  Future linebacker type stuff. After the doctor's appointment, we went to the park for awhile and ate lunch there.  And then picked up the older two from school.  Thursday: yard work during school.  That evening, Matt and I went to Depeche Mode.  That was fun. Friday: during school I washed my car.  I was upsold into getting the thing waxed and detailed outside.  It looks really nice.  My car hasn't looked this nice since I bought it 3 years ago.  The money both feels like a waste and like a really good "investment".  Investment is in quotes because really it isn't an investment.  Fred and I went to Walmart to kill time while they did the car.  That was fun. I bought stuff to make a wreath.  After school, we played and had fun.

At some point during the week, the kids decided to make waterfall using pool noodles and the water spout.

Saturday: Matt's unit with the National Guard had it's family day.  That was really neat.  This year, they had out different things they use.  They let kids look into one of the Humvees they use, look at the type of weapons, and see radios.  It was really neat.  There was also a bounce house for the kids and a rope to either climb or swing from.  There was also training for the FRG (Family Readiness Group). I'm willing to participate in the FRG meetings, go to events put on by the FRG, and if they really need somebody to be an officer, I'm more than happy to be one.  However, I really don't want to be trained to do stuff.  And I really don't want to sit in a 2ish hour meeting to do it.  There were something 60 completely text filled PowerPoint slides.  It was a bit tedious.  I left after 10 slides, I'm glad the baby started to fuss.  I know that it sounds mean and complaining, but I guess since I don't sit in meetings at work, I've gotten out of practice of sitting there half playing attention to things and thinking about other things (like how much I don't want to be in a meeting).

Menu: Tuesday: oatmeal, grocery store sushi, chicken with mushrooms and kale, garlic bread on the side. Wednesday: greek yogurt with a bit of jam, peanut butter sandwich and a banana. Dinner: lamb with rice, spinach.   Thursday: waffles, egg salad sandwich, and nachos for dinner.  Actually beer was for dinner, which would explain the hangover on Friday morning.  Friday: Greek yogurt, tuna sandwich, Dinner was bean and rice tacos.  I made the tortillas from scratch, but they weren't very good or "oh my goodness amazeballs" that people are always claiming homemade tortillas are.  I'll give it one more shot to be better.... Saturday: bagel, eggs,and fruit.  Lunch: chicken, cornbread, potato salad, and greens.  Dinner: pizza with carrots on the side.

Long entry is long, so I'll leave my thoughts about my first year's garden experiment until later. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tales from a Vacation

Over the weekend, we went on a late vacation.  We went down to Pensacola Beach, Florida.  We've been down there several times and I really like it.  While it is commercial and probably over developed, it still feels overlooked.  And the beaches are sooo pretty and the waves are gentle.  

We drove down and I really like travelling with my husband.  He is super helpful and the kids love having him around.  

Mommy "Style": Shorts and t-shirts. And a bathing suit.  Nothing exciting.  

Accomplishments: The whole family had a fun time.  There were no major fights or miscommunications.  

High/Low: High: Watching the boys all have fun together in the hotel's pool.  They all had a blast.  Low: Phil decided on Sunday morning to wake up at 4ish in the morning and not want to go back to sleep.  By the time he got back to sleep, Fred and Oliver were up.  At one point, I started crying because I knew that it would be a long day and that I'd be exhausted all day, which I was.  Luckily, the kids were overall very well-behaved that day, so I guess there are some miracles. :P

Activities: Thursday we spent driving down.  Friday, we spent at the beach/hotel pool.  Saturday: Beach in the morning where unfortunately the sand flies decided to make a meal of us so we left.  After lunch, we went back to the pool and then on a dolphin cruise.  At the end of the cruise, the baby and Phil decided to be done and started tantruming.  It was pretty awful. Matt was able to get the baby to calm down which meant I could handle Phil.  I was very happy to get off of the boat.  Sunday, we went to the Naval Air Museum in the morning.  Oliver had a mini-meltdown there and didn't want to see much of it. But he did like what he was willing to see.  After lunch, we visited Matt's grandmother who lives close to Pensacola.  We only spent a few hours with her because the kids started to get a little handsy and grabbing everything insight.  Matt and I felt it was better to make a graceful exit rather than one after the kids had broken something.  Monday we drove home.  

Menu: A highlight of the restaurants we ate at.  Thursday we ate at McGuire's Irish Pub.  I'm not sure if it is a real restaurant where local/natives eat, but the burger was pretty good and the beer was okay.  Friday: for lunch we at a place called the Native Cafe.  That was a good breakfast lunch place.  For dinner we ate at Flounder's.  I've eaten there on our previous trips and I still enjoy it.  I'm sure that there are better/more authentic places to eat, but it is good and the service is good.  And the best part, is there is a playground in the middle of the restaurant with seating beside it for the adults.  The kids had a blast.  Saturday: Chick-fil-a for lunch where Phil pinched a kid a on the playground and the father of the kid told me how to parent.  Which was very unfair, because both Matt and I were in there, and we were taking care of it.  And there was no need to get a threatening tone of voice to my son who is the same age as your kid.  It pissed me off.  After the dolphin cruise, we out for Mexican.  It was standard cheap Mexican.  Sunday: we had a late and big lunch at Ruby Tuesday.   I think Ruby Tuesday is my favorite chain burger place.  For dinner, the kids had Cheez-nips and milk and Matt and I skipped dinner.  I was feeling queasy from being up so early and Matt was still full from dinner.

And now the best part, PICTURES!

What Fred does while we played Putt-Putt
Playing Putt Put

Riding the waves

Nap Time

Phil loved the Gulf

After the pool

"Flying" in the Pilot's seat. Future Navy (?!) Pilot

Manning the guns

Showing his brother how it is done.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I really should know better

Mommy "Style":

Monday: Red shirt with jean shorts.

Tuesday: Purple striped shirt with grey shorts

Wednesday: A different purple striped shirt with different jean shorts.

Accomplishments:  Laundry has been done, the downstairs is actually neat (or was until everybody came home from school), and toys are being played with by my children.  And while there has been plenty of screen time, I've been better about limiting it.

High/Low: High: Phil had no accidents at ALL yesterday.  And he took off his pull-up when he needed to go!  I've been feeling like he was behind Oliver, but he isn't really.  Oliver was about the same age 2.5 when potty training really clicked for him, so I'm hoping that Phil is almost done toilet learning.  We'll see.  Low: Both kids have had a hard time at drop this week.  I don't know if it is because they are tired or because the newness is rubbing off, but they don't want to go to school.  Good thing, because we're going on vacation tomorrow! Yay! 

Activities: Monday we planned on going to the zoo, but it rained in the morning.  So we stayed at home and the kids annoyed each other.  That evening we went out to dinner to spend with our friends from Seattle.  This is where I really should know better, I knew that the kids wouldn't allow me to eat a pleasant dinner and that especially Phil would be a crazy two year old kid and want to run around and play.  And the baby would be fussy because it was close to bedtime.  I knew that I should let my husband go and have fun with his friends, but for some reason, I felt that this time it would be different.  No, it is never different.  Ugh, I feel like sometimes I give parents a bad name.

Tuesday was a school day for Oliver.  Fred, Phil and I went for a run after drop off.  And then when everybody came home we played some more.

Wednesday: school day for the kids. Fred and I went shopping for some last minute vacation stuff.  And then home to blog about it. :)

Menu: Monday: fruit and cheese, hot dogs, Mexican. I had fish tacos.  Tuesday: oatmeal, tuna sandwich.  Dinner was a pinterest inspired thing.  I saw somewhere but forgot to pin a recipe for chicken, rice, broccoli and cheese "cupcakes". So, I made my own recipe up.  It was pretty good. Phil liked it. Matt liked it. I liked it.  Unfortunately, they were a little dry so I need to come up with a gravy or more cheese to help with that.  If I can get them good, then one day I'll post the recipe.

Other:  So, I'm looking for a new babysitter.  And I thought I had an interview set up for Monday, but she didn't show up.  And that pissed me off.  And she didn't call or email or contact me through the website to let me know that she wasn't coming.  I'm beyond annoyed.  Hopefully, I'll find one for next week.  That didn't help my feelings of being a bad parent/friend on Monday evening. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

A Very Busy weekend

Mommy "style":   Saturday I wore khaki shorts and two different shirts.  In the morning, I wore the blue striped one and in the afternoon I wore the mint one.  On Sunday, I wore jean shorts with a grey t-shirt.   I also wore my hair down for the time in a really long time.

Accomplishment:  I finally got the downstairs vacuumed.  I might have also worked on the kitchen getting it a lot better.  I also managed to get laundry started and the kids clothes put away!

High/Low: Seeing friends from Seattle.  That was nice.  Low: Complete and utter sensory overload for myself.  The kids also had a bit too much on Saturday.  

Activities: I guess I'll finally out myself on where I live, but Atlanta has an awesome Sci-fi/Fantasy convention every year called Dragon Con and there is a parade of all of the different participants dressed in different costumes.  I thought since Oliver loves Spider Man and all things comic related, that he'd like the parade.  Not so much.  The parade route was very crowded and it very hard to see anything or even to move.  I guess we got there too late but I got very over stimulated from the crowd of people and the noise and the heat.  Fred also hated it.  He was stuck in the Ergo and was very hot and miserable which didn't help me either.  It is very hard to listen to the kids cry and not really be able to doing anything about it.  Oliver didn't really care about the parade, but Phil had a great time.  He loved seeing all of the super heroes.  
Super Heroes!

On the way home

After the parade, we met up with some friends who were in town for the con.  It was good to see them.  We ate lunch in a ridiculously over crowded food court and then came back home.  Right in time for the second activity of the day: a birthday party for one of Oliver's classmates.  It was at the firehouse.  And I think Oliver had a decent time looking at the stuff.

Sunday in comparison was much quieter.  I went for a 2.5 mile run.  I had hoped it was closer to 5k but it wasn't.  That was a little disappointing, but not really.  I should have mapped it out before hand.  We then ate lunch at a new place.  It was pretty good.  And then went to the park to run off some energy.  We didn't stay super long because it was very humid and I got over hot.  Came home and did stuff.  Oliver was bundle of energy.  It was amazing (and tiring).

Menu: Saturday: eggs, Chick-fil-a, and pizza for dinner.  It was not one of the healthier days we've had recently.  Sunday: fruit and crackers, a different sort of Philly cheese steak, brats on the grill with broccoli and rice for dinner.