Sunday, November 10, 2013

Blah, or nothing special weekend edition

Mommy "Style"

Saturday: jeans and a t-shirt
Sunday: yoga pants and a t-shirt

I'm a super sharp dresser.

Accomplishment: Leaving the house with the boys and having a good time, mostly.

High/Low:  High: It was sooo pretty all weekend.  If I didn't live through the colors, I wouldn't realize they were real.  It has been the most amazing fall.  I haven't taken pictures because my skill and my camera aren't really up to the super fancy arty pictures.  Although, if I knew how to use it, I think that my camera could take those types of pictures. Low: Oliver had some problems on the playground on Saturday.

Activities:  Saturday we went to the park and then the super awesome YDFM.  I love that store and I'll miss it when we move to Seattle.  I have a feeling that once we move that I'll miss all sorts of things about Atlanta.  And this blog might shift into a way to keep with our families back here.  Or maybe, I'll keep this a private (I do realize it's public) place.  Sunday, I know we left the house but I having a hard time remember just what we did.

Menu: Saturday: waffles, lunch was food from the grocery store.  Dinner: BBQ from our favorite bbq place.  Yes, I did spend 130 on groceries and then go out to eat dinner.  Sunday: bagels, lunch: sandwiches, Dinner: amberjack with veg.

Gratitude:    That I live in a world where I can buy fruit, vegetables, and dairy products out of season. It is amazing.

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