Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Mommy "Style":  

I didn't take a picture for yesterday.  I guess that I felt blah or something.  At any rate, I wore the shorts from Sunday and the peach/pink shirt that I've worn several times.

And here is today's

You know when I look at other women out and about, I think to myself wow I'm not really that plump.  I think that a several sizes smaller than I am.  And then, I see myself in any a mirror or in a reflection of door or these pictures, or even worse I look at pants; and then I wonder who in the hell is that fat lady.  Or when did I get so huge.  I know in the grand scheme of things that I'm not that fat.  But on days like today, I just feel plumb.

Accomplishment: I dropped of stuff at the preschool for Oliver and Phillip.  I've been hanging onto the forms for awhile.  And then I didn't buy a coffee this afternoon, have to stay on budget.  I really want to make this budget thing work.

Activities:   Yesterday, we went to a puppet show at the library.  Oliver and Phillip had a great time.  I've never heard Oliver laugh that much at anything.  Today, we went to the preschool, Old Navy and Target.  And managed to lose another toy of Phillip's.  Losing toys is getting frustrating.

Menu: Yesterday: Breakfast: oatmeal Lunch: left overs for me. hot dogs and berries for the kids.  Dinner:  Tri-tip roast with rice and Brussels sprouts.  I love Brussels sprouts.  Today: Breakfast: oatmeal. Lunch: Moes.  The kids had tacos, and I had a burrito.  Dinner: Spinach quiche and a side salad.  

Sunday, July 28, 2013

A weekend

Matt came home and I decided to spend time with him rather than updating.  So here's another double shot:

Mommy "Style":

I really have no excuse for the less than stellar quality of the shots.  In both, I'm trying to do it quickly.  

Again, I really need to start doing the pictures earlier in the day before stains and tiredness set in.

Accomplishments: I mowed the grass again today.  And yesterday, I cooked a couple of new things.

High/Low:  High: Phillip pooped IN the potty today! So proud of him.  And I yes, I realize this is why the world at large mocks mommy bloggers.  I know that the vast majority of people poop where they should on a regular basis and that my child will join those ranks soon.  But if you're asking about a high point of my day, then yes having my middle child poop where he should is pretty amazing.  Low:  I have noticed that my kids have gotten WAY too much screen time recently and I'm not sure why.  It hasn't been too hot, I haven't been playing Candy Crush at all, but there has been a lot of screen time.  I need to figure out both why I'm letting them watch too much t.v and play too many computer games and how to combat the too much screen time.  And I know to some extant, I encourage or at least give approval to screen time.  So, this is something I need to work on myself.

Activities: Saturday, we went to Target in the morning and then came home and watched our new Curious George dvd. And I wonder why my kids watch a lot television.  Today, we played some in the house, my father came over for lunch and to discuss our plans for the trip north to Pennsylvania.  And I mowed the grass.  I then took the baby out and we ran some errands.  I love taking only one kid out.  It's like a vacation.

Menu: Saturday: Breakfast: bagels  Lunch: Pizza Dinner: Roast chicken seasoned with curry power, wholeish wheat biscuits (half white flour half whole wheat flour), sauteed zuchinni.  Hopefully, I can get the recipes posted tomorrow or the next day.  Sunday: Breakfast: biscuits Lunch:  Curried chicken salad sandwiches, cherries, and chips.  The kids had hot dogs and grapes.   Dinner: lasagna cupcakes with mixed vegetable tomato sauce and the pesto croissant roll ups.   AA 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Things I should start doing


Mommy "Style" 

When I worked, I used to spend once a week ironing when I came home from work.  I'd put on the Gilmore Girls and iron my pants, shirts, skirts, and whatever was laying around of Matt's.  I guess I need to start doing that again.  

Accomplishment: Booked a room for the trip up to Pittsburgh.  I'm looking forward to the trip, although not the reason why.

High/Low: High: Matt came home.  Low: I got frustrated with Oliver this afternoon, after non-stop asking me questions and wanting to play.  I felt awful afterwards.

Activity:  Not much, we stayed home again today and repeated the Balloon Rocket activity.  Both boys wanted to do it, so we did.  And then a lot of play in the afternoon.

Menu: Breakfast: Pilsbury Grands Cinnamon rolls.  (No, this isn't a sponsored post).  I didn't like them.  The bread part hot was okay, but once it cooled down it was bland, and didn't have the texture of any type of cinnamon roll I've eaten.  I purchased them because I really like Cinnabon's sweet roll, but I never buy one because they're expensive and so full of fat/sugar/flour.... I was hoping for  something almost as good.  I will be leaving these on the shelf and never talking about it again.  Lunch: lunch meat sandwiches, grapes and cherries.  The cherries were wonderful today. Dinner: Tacos, because they are Matt's favorite.  

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Washed Out

Mommy "Style":   

This is seriously a boring, washed out, faded outfit.  In my defense, I didn't leave the house wearing this outfit.  We went swimming this morning and then were just at home for the rest of the day (and all of my workout stuff was dirty).

Accomplishment:  Got the house cleaned up (mostly) for Matt's return home tomorrow.  

High/Low: High: The pool this morning was wonderful.   Low: I managed to get sunburned on my neck, and I thought I applied enough sunscreen.

Activities:  Swimming in the morning, hanging out at home in the afternoon.

Menu: Breakfast:  Bagels.  We've eaten them all up so we're going back to oatmeal every morning until I go either the awesome DeKalb Farmer's Market, which isn't that kind of farmer's market, or we go to Costco.  Lunch:  Sandwiches, graham crackers, and fruit.  I ate an amazing melon called lemon drop melon.  I think if it grows in my area, I'm going to plant it next year, and hope for the best. Dinner: Pizza and strawberries.  I don't like to cook when I need to clean.  Adding mess when I'm trying to clean it up annoys me.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Mommy "Style" : 
Oliver took the photo today!

I think this first time in months that I have worn a white t-shirt and not gotten a stain on it.  

Accomplishment:  I figured out a budget for the family and I'm working on how I can implement it for us without breaking it.  I'm loosely following Dave Ramsey.  I've been writing down in a little notebook what I spend in a typical month.  And I mean everything, tolls, meals out, coffee (too much coffee) and trying to figure out a reasonable amount to spend each month.  We have enough money, but it seems like I'm not spending it wisely.  

High/Low: High: We managed to get through Wal-Mart today without any epic meltdowns.  And usually Wal-Mart meltdowns are on my part.  That store completely overwhelms me! Low:My aunt died yesterday.  We weren't close, but she was a special lady and she reminded me so much of my mom who I miss.  I know that she's in a better place.  I've lost my faith, but I want to believe in Heaven.  I would like to attend the funeral, but I know it will be in Pittsburgh, and I'm not sure if I can make the drive by myself and the three kids.  I have the feeling that my dad would like to come with me.  But I don't know if I'm willing to do that. 

Activity:  We went to Wal-Mart this morning and I bought silly-string for the kids.  Oliver likes to call it webs like Spider-Man.  We spent time slinging webs all over the front yard.  The kids loved it.

Phillip likes the texture

Fredrick is intrigued by his brothers.

Here is a picture of the tye-dyed shirts from yesterday

Menu: Breakfast : bagel and banana.  Lunch: Pastrami sandwich with watermelon.  The kids had watermelon and Angry Birds graham crackers. Dinner: Bratwurst, mac n cheese, and steamed zucchini.  A

Other: I started a garden this summer for a variety of reasons: 1. earn hipster/crunchy cred by growing my own produce. 2. Prove to myself that I didn't have a black or even a brown thumb.  3.  Know what was going to the soil of my plants so in turn I could know what I was eating. 4. Curious George did it and of course, my children wanted to do it.

Half of my garden has done really great.  I've gotten a bunch of tomatoes and the arugula did really well until it got too hot and the plants bolted.  However, most of the garden hasn't.  The strawberries haven't really produced much.  My peppers are complete duds.  And the squash.  Oh my goodness the squash.  I accidently over crowded a bed, so I'll take some blame on that, but I swear everything that can go wrong with it has.  I had manged to get this fungus that only comes out when it has been really rainy.  So far this year, my city has gotten a record amount of rain and when it isn't rainy it is very humid.  Then I get some other form of fungus that is hurting the leaves of the plant.  And now I have either grubs or caterpillars that are eating the fruit and the blossoms.  It is very frustrating.  However, when I get squash from these plants it is amazing.  I know that I'm going to do this again next summer, but I need to figure out how to plant so that the bugs do get to eat everything!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Long Day

Mommy "Style"  

 I'm getting better at posing and setting up a shot.  However, I do realize that I need to get a higher tripod or even a real one since I'm using my desk and a couple of books.  I wouldn't mind including my face but the current setup gives me a pinhead and makes my body look weirdly disproportionate.*      A better backdrop would be nice too.  Unfortunately, this house is a rental and all of the walls are flat paint and I have children.  I swear looking at the walls gives them stains.  I will never have a house with flat paint again.

Accomplishment: I paid bills.  Seriously, I'm not doing anything I'd put on the list of above and beyond regular daily stuff.

High/Low:  Low:  Phillip woke up at 5:30.  The rest of the family woke up at 6:15.  This is about 1 1/2 before our normal wake up time.  It hurt.  High:    Phillip pooped.  He didn't poop in the potty, BUT he did neatly pick up the mess, put it in the potty and tell me so I could disinfect the floor.  

Activities:  We went to the park and tie-dyed a t-shirt for each boy.  The shirts aren't done yet, but I'm hoping to get a picture tomorrow and post it.  After the park, I stopped by our old house.  It's for sale, under contract, but we decided to move before closing.  The house felt so empty and forlorn which it is.  I loved that house.  It was were I got married from, where I found out I was pregnant 3 times, brought home 3 amazing boys, and where so many happy memories were made.  In some ways, I miss that house soooooo much.  I like our new area, but I really miss our old house.

Menu: Breakfast: I had a cream cheese crossiant, the kids watermelon and 1/4 bagel.  Lunch: sandwiches with watermelon.  Dinner: Pork chops, oven roasted sweet potato, and corn on the cob.  

*At least, I think I have normally proportionate body.  Maybe I don't... and that's why the pictures look weird. Probably not though.  

Some extra cuteness

Monday, July 22, 2013

Repeative until the cooler weather.

Mommy "Style":

Not the greatest of pictures.  But it shows what I'm wearing.  I think in person, this color combo works better than it does in this lighting, and emerald(ish) tones are so on trend for this year.  

High/Low:  High:  The royal baby was born.  I love babies.  And I love William and Kate.  I totally know that they're not "normal" but they seem so normal.  Granted, I don't read the tabloids nor am I British, so beyond what is written of them in the news sites I go to, I don't get much.  And they're my age! A few years younger, but we were in college together.  I was my state's flagship university  and they were at University of St Andrews.  And they're pretty people who dress well.  I could gush, but I won't because I don't know them and only know their very cultivated public face.  Low: Phillip didn't want to go to sleep.  So I let him stay up with me while I watched a little bit of Antiques Roadshow.  That show put him right to sleep.

Accomplishment: I put away the groceries when I came home.  I did stuff today, but nothing one would consider an accomplishment.  I guess we'll go with the small victories.  

Activities:  A park birthday party play date.  Followed by the grocery store.  The two older kids went over to my father-in-law's house and went swimming with Poppa Jim, Grandma Tina, and Uncle Tucker.  They had a great time.  The baby and I came home, put away the groceries, and practiced STANDING! My little one is getting big so fast.

Menu: Breakfast: Bagels for the boys, I had cheese and 1/2 avocado.  Lunch: Proscutto and cheese sandwiches. And cupcakes. Dinner: I had a pastrami and cheese sandwich, the other half of the avocado and half of a pluot.  Freddy had some of the pluot and a couple of bites of my avocado.  He really seems to enjoy stone fruit.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Lazy Sunday

Mommy "Style":

Don't look too closely, my shirt has black paint and a mysterious red stain on it.  I need to remember to take the picture right after I get dressed so there aren't any stains on my clothes.

Accomplishment: Washed, dried, folded, and put away a load of laundry all on the same day!  The clothes were even still hot.

High/Low:  High: Getting the kids to make a birthday card.  Low:  Getting out of bed, it was so comfortable and I haven't been able to sleep recently so it was pretty painful getting out.  And honestly, today was one of those days were nothing was spectacularly wonderful or spectacularly awful.  Today was an average run of the mill day.  

Activities: Painted a card for a birthday party tomorrow.  Planted some more carrots and a lettuce blend.  Today was another boring day at home.  We didn't go anywhere or do anything fun.  There really wasn't a reason to change out of our pajamas other than one shouldn't wear pajamas all weekend.  

Menu: Breakfast: bagel and the kids had an all fruit popsicle.  Lunch: meat and cheese roll ups with peaches and chips.  Dinner: mini chicken potpie except I substituted almost the entire thing with other things: zucchini for broccoli, puff pastry for pie crust.  And while I was making it, I could see the allure of food/recipe blogging.  One can really take and make the different recipes fun.  I'm not that creative when it comes to cooking and being able to come up with recipes seems to me to be super creative.  But I think that almost made a new recipe!  If I make this again, I'll do the photo spread and do the whole write up.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

An Inverse

Mommy "Style":  

I really like the combination of grey and pink. :)  This is usually how I do color combinations, neutral bottom and pastel top.  One day, I'll own and wear bright yellow jeans but until then I'm going to take the small victories.

Accomplishment: I did a really deep clean on the shower stall this morning.  Yay?  And I washed my hair.  

High/Low:  High: I made a new recipe for dinner and it turned out really well.  I wish the kids would have eaten it... and I hope one day they will.  Low: The threat of rain cancelled any plans to go to the park. And there was whining.  A lot of whining.

Activities:  We stayed at home all day because of the threat of a drenching thundershower.  We had a lot of thunder and dark clouds but no rain.  We cleaned in the morning, played computer games, blew bubbles, and then built block towers.  

Menu: Breakfast: Pancakes.  Lunch: Peanut butter sandwiches, kiwi and grapes. Dinner:  I made Pasta with Bacon, Peas, and Ricotta.  It is from my Essentials of Classic Italian cooking by Marcella Hazan.  If I decide to make it again (and I will) I'll probably do the whole blogger thing of taking pictures and adding the recipe, properly attributed. The kids had pasta, peas, and their ricotta on the side.  

Friday, July 19, 2013

A repeat

Mommy "style"

 I'm not going to bore you with  a repeat picture (esp since I didn't take one before a poop explosion), but this is what I wore today.   I really like the shirt because it feels like summer, just something about neon screams summer in a way that almost nothing else does.

Accomplishment: I planted some new color plants in the front yard, pruned back some bushes, and pulled up some weeds in one of the outside flower beds.  That flower bed looks a little tidier, but is the grass weeds are still overgrown.  When fall comes and the annuals die back, I plan on hitting it with the vinegar weed killer that supposedly works.  I guess my crunchy "let's save the environment" thing is coming through, but it seems strange to completely annihilate the plants in the ground and then plant again.

High/Low:  High:  Oliver came home today.  I missed him and his crazy energy.  Low: Poop.  Lots of poop.  In case, Phillip ever decided to google his name at a later date, I'm not going into details, but poop was not were it was supposed to be.

Activity: The two younger ones and I went swimming at a friends pool this morning.  That was fun.  However, I brought the stroller, and there wasn't a good way from the parking lot to the pool.  UGH!  But the little ones had a great time.  Then we went to Chick-fil-a and had lunch and picked up Oliver.  And then home to watch Batman the Animated Series, play fight, run around naked outside, and finally bed.

You know that one family in the neighborhood that has naked children in the front yard?  A naked toddler and a naked baby while Mom is just sitting on the front step watching her kids be silly?  Yeah, I'm that neighbor.  Obviously, once Phillip is potty trained he'll go back to wearing clothes... I hope.  Phillip has always been anti-clothing.  At least, both Oliver and I were wearing clothes.

Menu: Breakfast: bagel.  Lunch: chick-fil-a chicken sandwich for me.  The boys had a strip and fruit. Dinner: hot dogs because Oliver asked and it didn't seem like a big deal to have a hot dog for dinner.  The kids also had grapes and crackers.  I had a salad and meat and cheese roll-ups.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Inspiration from the zoo

Mommy "Style": 

A few years ago, I went to our local zoo and there were some flamingo chicks when you walk in.  They were these small fluffy baby birds in the most amazing shade of grey.  That summer my child and I went to the zoo A LOT! And we watched the tiny baby flamingo chicks grow into larger flamingo chicks who started to go grey and pink with black accents.  Ever since then, I have thought that grey and pink are super awesome colors together.  Looking at Pinterest, so do other people.  One of my goals starting this year has been to step outside of my comfort level in terms of clothes.  And while I realize that there is nothing that is particularly daring in this outfit, I would have never bought a pair of pink shorts (and I also have some pink pants) if it wasn't for this goal of mine.  

Accomplishment:  I went to my favorite grocery store to buy excellent fruit and vegetables and dairy products, and lunch meat, and regular meat and only spend $16!  I bought just a few things.  And before I should get too proud about this accomplishment, I know that I'm going back on Monday and will probably spend a little too much then.

High/Low:  High: Phillip is working on potty training, and we didn't have any accidents inside the house! Low: However, Phillip escaped outside... and there waiting for me on the front sidewalk was poop.  (I know you were waiting for poop to come up in a mommy blog). That was not awesome!

Activities: We went to park and played with some of our friends.  It was nice in the shade, but ugh it's hot.  Luckily, not as hot as the Northeast and honestly not as hot as it was last year but the sun is very bright and the humidity is unreal and there is no breeze.  It stinks!  And then we went to the grocery store.

Menu: Breakfast: bagel.  Phillip had left over pizza.  Lunch: ham and cheese croissant. Dinner: chicken thighs, sauteed zucchini with Parmesan  cheese, and a 1/2 bagel.  Phillip was the one who suggest the bagel.  Since I hadn't planned on a starch, it seemed like a great addition and it was. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Two in One

I'm going to do both Tuesday and Wednesday in the same post.  

Why?  Not really laziness, but I think I want to update the day on the actual day.  I think what will happen when Matt comes home and I have somebody to spend the evening with, I'll probably do the update in the afternoon, unless we get really busy doing a craft or activity.  We'll see.  Either way, I'll try to always a post for the day either that day or the next and in a year's time there will be roughly 365 posts.  

Mommy "Style":  

I will admit that both days are pretty much blah.  Typical boring suburban mom crap.  I feel that I should be trying harder or something, but really who is looking at me.  I do care about how I look, but at the same time I'm not going anywhere where it matters.  Yesterday, I went to Home Depot and to excellent local pie shop. Today I went to Target.  And I didn't even plan on going to there!!  And since I didn't plan on going anywhere even remotely interesting or special why should I wear "nice" clothes.  Yes I know the quote attributed to Coco Chanel (paraphrasing) that one should always dress up and wear make up because one never knows what might happen and who one might meet.  But seriously, who am I going to meet when I'm going to the Target in my town?  At least, there are no pajama bottoms.  (But it gets cooler, please realize that there will totally be some yoga pants).

Accomplishments: Mowed the yard and vacuumed the upstairs. Dealt with a super whiny 2 year old.

High/Low: High: Seeing my sweet Phillip again.  I really do miss him when he's not here.  Low: Feeling broke.

Activity: Yesterday, the baby and I went to Home Depot.  Today, I picked up Phillip from MaMoo and Wita's.  I was also supposed to pick up Oliver, but he wanted to stay longer and since there isn't a good reason for him to come home,  I let him stay.  I try to say yes when it doesn't matter.  Sometimes it does.  I don't like to buy toys mindlessly or let him eat mindlessly or let him destroy things.  

Menu: Tuesday: Breakfast: bagel.  Lunch: egg salad sandwich and peaches.  Dinner: bbq brisket, baked beans and coleslaw.  Strawberry-rhubarb pie for dessert.  Wednesday: Breakfast: bagel.  Lunch: skipped Dinner: pizza, salad, and strawberries.  Phillip asked for piAzza and since I'm trying the whole say yes thing again, we had a frozen pizza.  He was more into the celery (from my salad) and strawberries than the pizza.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Feeling put together

Mommy "Style"
I bought some white shorts at Old Navy on Sunday.  And I thought I would step outside of my regular fashion zone and buy them.  I also needed to get approval from my sister because I did.  I wore them yesterday and felt really put together and stylish.  

Accomplishment: I knitted another square, and this time it didn't f up.

High/Low:  High: Spending time with just baby Fredrick.  Low:  I almost messed up new square.

Activities:  I went to doctor in the morning.  Everything checked out the way the I hoped. I then went looking at the Container Store and Barnes and Noble.  I love a bookstore.  Even though, I've been buying books on my kindle, I still like going into the store looking at the different pictures, reading random chapters.  It is awesome.

Menu:  Breakfast: banana and tea.  Lunch: A cuban sandwich in pie form and cole slaw.  Dinner: 1/2 bagel, chicken and cheese roll up, and a salad.  I tend to eat really random things when I don't have to cook for the family.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Bastille Day!

Mommy "Style":  

As a result of taking pictures of myself and my clothes regularly, and the hopes that one day somebody will actually read this blog, I have started to go back through my closets and drawers to find things I haven't worn in awhile.  This shirt is one of those things.  I haven't worn it since I got pregnant with the baby.  I knew it was in the closet and I knew it should fit.  However, I didn't SEE it.  I glad I did and I remembered why I wore it quite a bit last year.

Accomplishment:  I knitted another square in my scarf.  Update:  something happened when I cast off, and the entire f-ing thing fell apart.  Part of me wants to give up on the pattern and do something else because for every good thing that goes on with the stupid thing, I have to rip out hours of knitting.  I hope whoever gets this a present appreciates the work that went into it!

High/Low:  High: Going shopping without the kids.  Buffy the Vampire is on Amazon prime right now!  Low: The baby would sleep anywhere but on me last night, so he got watch Buffy with me.

Activities;  The two older kids went to visit Matt's mother,MaMoo, and her partner, Wita.  After exchanging kids, I went shopping or rather looking at Target, Kohl's, and Old Navy.

Menu: Breakfast: Oatmeal.  Lunch: peanut butter sandwiches with applesauce on the side. Dinner: left over Mongolian Beef.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

I've done a whole week!

And now I'll have a muffin (top, if I keep eating muffins)

Mommy "Style": 

I need to figure out what do with my hands in a pose.  Modeling is not something I certainly ever planned on.

Accomplishment:  I cleaned out my car.  I try to empty out the crap: paper, Starbucks cups, and other random crap on a regular basis, but boy did my car ever need a deep clean.  It didn't get the really deep detailed job it needs, but I emptied out all of the trash, kids toys and shoes.  I washed the windows and mirrors.  And I found another use for baking soda: it can buff out minor marks on the car! I wish I had taken pictures because I'd totally put that on Pinterest. I also tried using toothpaste to clear up headlights, but it didn't work particularly well.

High/Low:  High: getting some basic house stuff done.  Low: I realized after my kids went to sleep that I used my phone a little to much during the day.

Activity:  We stayed home all day.  And we didn't do much.  All of the kids were acting extra tired and a little sick so we just stayed home and hung out.  

Menu: Breakfast: oatmeal, Lunch: hotdogs for the kids.  I had leftovers.  Dinner: Mongolian Beef.  This the second time I've made this recipe.  It is pretty easy and tasty, but I'm still not getting the beef quite right.  Either my strips aren't thin enough or I need to cut them differently, but that part isn't right.  And the coating isn't quite right either, the texture is off.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

July 12

Mommy Style: 

I think I need to rethink the size of these t-shirts.  They are really big and baggy and do nothing for me.  Well, that was one of the goals of this blog was to really look at what I wear and try to make it better.

Accomplishment: First day of Annual Training DONE!!!  My husband, Matt, is in the National Guard and the next two weeks are his annual training.  This is the first year I've had all three so I've been a little apprehensive about it.

High/Low:  High: We had a really good afternoon.  The kids were really well-behaved and there was minimal screen time.

Activities:  SCIENCE!!!  I saw this rocket experiment I knew one day I would have to have the boys do it.  This summer Oliver and Phillip have been really into rockets and space. Although we have two model rockets, I'm doubt those rockets are air-worthy.

Here we are setting it up: 

It took us several attempts to get it to fly or as Oliver says "Zoom down the rope!".  I added in parts of the Scientific method asking him what he thought might happen. And then we tried to blow up the balloon different amounts to see what would happen.  And then lastly Oliver raced the balloon to see who would get there faster.  It was 50/50.  

Second science/exploration was to put straws into the salad spinner. This was for the baby since balloon rockets aren't something he found interesting. The older two liked helping set up the straw thing. I saw something similar on Pinterest, but I can't seem to find the real link.  I wish was this creative.

More brother help
Helping put it together

Exploring is tasty!
And fun!

Menu: Breakfast: cheese and fruit. Lunch: Oliver and I had leftovers, Phillip had a peanut butter sandwich.  Dinner: Pasta, Sausage, and Broccoli.  We eat a lot of broccoli.  

Friday, July 12, 2013

July 11

Project list for the blog:  

1. Get my own personalized heading/footer thing. 
2. Get the buttons for Pintrest, Twitter, and maybe Instragram
3. Learn how to take better pictures and/or get photo editing software so that my stuff looks both better and more professional.  

Why most (all) of the project list won't  get done:  

1. Laziness.  I'm sure there is an ehow on adding those things and I'm sure that personalized stuff is available for purchase on Etsy but that would require EFFORT and that is something lacking in my life outside of my pet projects.  However, this blog is slowing becoming a pet project.  So, that means eventually I want it to be better and then I'll have to make it good enough.  Unfortunately, good enough is never good enough. (And I LOVE the http://www.thehappiesthome.com/ website.  Megan Francis is one of the best bloggers to make me think).  I really hope that I'll get the widgets for both Pintrest and Twitter going; so, I guess I'll be checking out ehow!

2. ADD.  I don't think I really have it, but I do get distracted on the computer.  I've never really worked using the computer.  When I was in college and when I taught, I did most of my drafting using pen and paper.  The computer was for the finished product and as a result I've never really needed to force myself to do only one thing on the stupid internet and not get lost in the sea of cat videos.  Just looking for the right post from thehappiesthome.com  sucked me into the archives and then I'm not sure that I found the exactly right post.

3.  Time: At this point, I'd still rather go look at cat memes rather than writing. But I'm getting there.

There is some introspection before we get to the rather uninspired clothing choices from yesterday.

1.  Mommy Style:

I love the color combo of brown and blue.  And I'm a sucker for horizontal stripes. 

2.  Accomplishments:  When grocery store shopping and only bought about 3 extraneous/splurge items.  And I'm not counting the donuts that make up the grocery store tax.

3.  High/Low:  High: Getting the kids to bed in a timely manner.  Low:  Bad behavior from Oliver in the morning when he didn't listen to his father, so my husband left for work in a bad mood.

4.  Activity: Lots of pretend play with dragons, knights, and Spider-Man

5. Dinner: homemade chicken enchalitias with avocado salad.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 10

Mommy "Style'  

Things I like about shorts:  They are cooler than long pants and I live in a hot place. 

Things I hate about shorts: I have fat thighs and I always feel that my thighs look hideous.  And then shorts ride up my inner-thigh making me look silly.   However, I doubt that I will stop wearing shorts anytime real soon.  Again, I live in a hot place and I'd like to be reasonably cool during the day and skirts aren't really an option as I have small kids.  

Accomplishment:  I returned the icky keyboard and replaced it with a cheap one that I won't mind if Phillip destroys.  I also ordered a fancy one.  It should come in the mail sometime next week.

High/Low:  High: Watching all of my kids play together before supper.  Low:  Having Oliver wake up repeatedly during the night.  

Menu:  Breakfast: fruit and cheese.  Lunch: Chick-fil-a Cobb Salad.  Dinner: Meatloaf, sautéed   rice, and broccoli 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Menu Musings

I forgot to add the menu for the past few days.  

It's been a little heavy on eating out... but I did do some Pinterest inspired things.

Sunday we had cilantro thai chicken.

I think I used a bit too much soy sauce and it turned out way too salty.  I used the broiler rather than a grill too.  I think the taste direct fire charing would added something to the flavor.

Monday evening I made pesto spinwheels to go with our baked ziti.

I made it according to the directions under the pin, which said to use crescent roll dough and pesto.  I under baked the crescent rolls,  so it was also icky.  But I will try it again when I have a tomato sauce pasta.  

Tuesday: Mexican out.  Yesterday, I don't know what happened but I was completely drained and didn't want to cook.  

Three in One!

Sooo... uhh.... I took a break from a 365 blog.  It wasn't my fault though.   On Sunday, I decided that updating during the evening was not a good idea, because then I couldn't spend time with my husband.  So, I didn't update.  Then on Monday when I went to update, Phillip, destroyer of keyboards, destroyed the keyboard.  At any rate, I'm back and I even have photos for the past few days!

Mommy "Style":  (PS I put the style in quotes, because really I have very little style.) 


Of these outfits, I like the shorts on Monday, the top on Sunday, and the trendiness of black and white on Tuesday.  Granted, I think that I look huge on Tuesday.

Accomplishments:  I actually got a square knitted in the scarf I'm working on.  That accomplishment felt pretty huge!!!  I got a trellis for the cucumbers and a some cages for the pumpkins.  So far this year, I've had some good luck with my garden.

High/Low:  High:  knitting stuff.  Low:  keyboard troubles.

Activities:  Sunday: we went to Home Depot and I was able to go on a run.  It was hot and I was slow, but I'm glad I went.  Monday: Oliver has camp this week, so he went there. And the two younger ones and I went to the park for a bit.  After camp, the boys and I went to my sister's house to go swimming and visit with my cousin who was visiting from Philadelphia.   Tuesday: Camp, and Target.  Normal stuff.  Then at home playing with the new Play-doh extruder thing. 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

July 6

1.  Mommy Style

These are my favorite shorts right now.  I like the length and the way they fit.  The picture doesn't really make them look that great, but I feel nice in them.  And I like the color of the shirt with the shorts.  I feel like the lighting is off in the pictures or else I really have problems with color.  

2.  Accomplishments:  I started to try to knit my scarf again.  It fell off the needles, again.  That is getting really frustrating.  And  I cut my hair.  It was down to my waist and I cut off about 3 inches.  It's not really enough to notice, but the ends no longer feel like straw so that is a good thing.

3.  High/Low:  High, I have done another update on this blog.  Usually by the fourth post, I've lost interest so this is pretty neat.  Low:  The stupid freaking knitting.  I really want to make and show off this scarf.  It will (hopefully) look really neat when it is done.  Other low: my favorite pizza place has closed down and it did it in March!  Yeah, I know we moved away but still it was so yummy and cheesy and the sauce...sigh... Oh, well didn't need to drive 40 minutes for pizza anyways...

4.  Activities for the day:  Hair cut and driving to pizza.  All day rain.  Or it would clear up for a few minutes and I'd think "Yay! The rain has stopped!"  10 minutes later, downpour.  So we've been stuck inside for another day.  Monday all of this rain is supposed to stop.  I really hope so.

5. Menu: Breakfast: oatmeal, Lunch: buffalo chicken sandwiches (deli meat from Boar's Head) Dinner: Pizza.  Husband and I had white pizza.  The boys had pepperoni.

Friday, July 5, 2013

July 5

1.  Mommy Style:  

This is an average look for me.  Jeans and a t-shirt.  I normally like my t-shirts slightly more fitted but I bought this one without trying it on and I'm still nursing my youngest son and loose shirts work much better especially when I'm going to be out.

2.  Accomplishment:  Laundry done.  I think this going to be a theme in this space.  I really hate laundry. 

3.  High/Low:  High:  The mall itself was nice with the kids.  The older two boys were really well behaved and it was fun to take them out.  Low:  The absolute total meltdown by Philip (2) in the liquor  store.  In his defense, he was very tired and he couldn't play Angry Birds on my phone.  

4.  Activity for the Day:  Since it has been raining and the kids needed to run around, we went to the mall to play in the indoor play space.  After that, we ate lunch in the food court.  Then we rode the train that goes around half of the mall.  We also looked at a lot of Spider-Man stuff in the Disney store  We also lost a Spider-Man toy in the mall and that will lead to a massive meltdown when Philip wakes up from his nap.  And then we went to the liquor store.    After nap, we did a preschool type activity which I found on Pinterest.  I'll have a quick post about it tomorrow.  The kids really enjoyed it, so I know the older one is starting to get bored.  

5.  Menu:  Breakfast: oatmeal. Lunch: chicken and fries from Chick-fi-a.  Dinner: tacos.  You will see tacos/Mexican here weekly.  Both my kids and my husband looooooove Mexican.  I like it, but not as much as the rest of the family,