Another Mommy blog. And the internet rejoiced!!!
Welcome to another mommy blog. I figured I would start one because there are only 3.49 billion mommyblogs in the world that there was room for me.
Anyway, I want a place to force me to think about my day. I'm going to try to blog once a day for a year. And then we'll see what happens after that. And I have a format for the blog too.
The plan is to have five parts:
1. Mommy "style". I've started following fashion blogs like Kendi Everyday and putting me together and I really like how they take pictures of themselves to see patterns in how they dress. I'd like to start to see patterns in how I dress so I can find clothes I both like and that fit. When I stopped working, I started to dress like crap. I would start out with my outfit today, but it is rather sad: washed out denim shorts and a lame Old Navy t-shirt. So starting tomorrow you will see lame Target clothing. And selfies using the mirror or pictures taken by my 4 year old son.
2. My accomplishment(s) of the day. Today's would be putting away the laundry that I started on Saturday. And getting all of the boys asleep before 8:15 pm!
3. High/Low: The high for the day was that there were no baby melt-downs after dinner. The low would be ripping out an entire afternoon's knitting. Not that it really was much, but still....
4. Activity for the day: Generally will be something that the kids and I did during the day either inside or outside of the house. It's been raining all day so it was mostly running around the house and playing with play-doh.
5. Menu for the day: I really need to keep on track with what we eat and when. I'm having a hard time remembering last week so I think it will help keep the argument of when DID we last eat pork chops down to a minimum. Today: Breakfast: oatmeal, Lunch: hotdogs, strawberries, and chips. Dinner: Waffles, bratwurst, and watermelon.
Other parts will be how my garden is doing, Pinterest things I do, random thoughts about the news, etc....
A little about me: I have three great kids: Oliver: 4, Philip: 2, and Fredrick: 7 months. So, this isn't a brand new mom gushing about how awesome her kid is, but rather a mom who is gushing about how awesome her THREE kids are. I'm currently a stay at home mom. I'd like to go back to work when my youngest is in kindergarten. I'm married to a great guy and we currently live in a suburb of a large city in the Southeastern United States.
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