Mommy "Style":
Not the greatest of pictures. But it shows what I'm wearing. I think in person, this color combo works better than it does in this lighting, and emerald(ish) tones are so on trend for this year.
High/Low: High: The royal baby was born. I love babies. And I love William and Kate. I totally know that they're not "normal" but they seem so normal. Granted, I don't read the tabloids nor am I British, so beyond what is written of them in the news sites I go to, I don't get much. And they're my age! A few years younger, but we were in college together. I was my state's flagship university and they were at University of St Andrews. And they're pretty people who dress well. I could gush, but I won't because I don't know them and only know their very cultivated public face. Low: Phillip didn't want to go to sleep. So I let him stay up with me while I watched a little bit of Antiques Roadshow. That show put him right to sleep.
Accomplishment: I put away the groceries when I came home. I did stuff today, but nothing one would consider an accomplishment. I guess we'll go with the small victories.
Activities: A park birthday party play date. Followed by the grocery store. The two older kids went over to my father-in-law's house and went swimming with Poppa Jim, Grandma Tina, and Uncle Tucker. They had a great time. The baby and I came home, put away the groceries, and practiced STANDING! My little one is getting big so fast.
Menu: Breakfast: Bagels for the boys, I had cheese and 1/2 avocado. Lunch: Proscutto and cheese sandwiches. And cupcakes. Dinner: I had a pastrami and cheese sandwich, the other half of the avocado and half of a pluot. Freddy had some of the pluot and a couple of bites of my avocado. He really seems to enjoy stone fruit.
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