Saturday, November 16, 2013


My birthday was last month and I've adjust and add to my current 5 year plan.


1.  A fully funded emergency fund.  I think we'll have one once Matt's bonus comes in from his new job.

2. Pay off my student loans.  At our current rate of repayment, we should be done by in about 3 years,

3. Increase  Matt's retirement contribution.

4.  When I go back to work, (assuming we don't need the money in the budget), use most of the money for retirement.

5.Start college funds for the kids.

6.  Have enough money for a decent cash car in 3-4 years.  


1. Run a 10k

2. Run a sub 30 5k

3. Run a half-marathon

4. Have abs again

5. Be at the weight I was when I go married.  That one isn't too hard, I've only got about 4lbs to go.  If I really work on my running and making sure that the crap food levels aren't too high, this one should be pretty easy.

Family Life:

1.  Get everybody sleeping in their own beds.

2. Find an activity that all of us are willing to do, and do it.  Bonus points if it is something outside.

3.  Settle into Seattle reasonably well.

4. See family and friends back in Atlanta regularly.


1. Continue blogging.

2. Find a pair of jeans that fit really really well.

3. Start crafting again.  The internet is way too interesting and I know I need to stop reading it on my phone after the kids go to bed.

4. Work towards a diet that is mostly fruit and vegetable with meat as flavoring and starches are lightly used.

5. Work on my sugar addiction.

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